Salvation Army Clitheroe.
- At Clitheroe "non-working" is a highly refined art.
In 6 months, there was only one time that everyone was busy, and management was jumping.
- It wasn't when a young mother was screaming for hours to get in to treatment (she was denied because somebody thought she might have had other motives in trying to get in),
- It wasn't when a heroin addict parked outside the gate after being refused service, and would not leave,
- It was when CARF announced that they were going to do an inspection. Preparing for the CARF inspection was the only time from Dec '06 to June '07 that Directors actually worked. They spent hours teaching staff members what to say, and how to answer certain questions, and which questions to expect. They came to work on time, didn't call in sick, showed enthusiasm...
- If Clitheroe's track record with clients were good, a person could wonder if there were a secret reason that Directors encouraged sloppy work. Clitheroe track record is poor. There is no secret reason.
- Clitheroe employees spend about 15% of their work time in meetings. Every morning there is a "daily briefing" for Residential and Detox together. Everybody relaxes for 20 minutes before the meeting begins. The meeting itself is 20 to 50 minutes of reading logs casually and chatting about weekend plans.
- In Detox there was also a 30 minute "report" at the start/finish of each shift. During report, every employee from the "previous" shift and the "next" shift was inside the locked nursing station, with no staff on the floor. Nurses were usually hostile about clients knocking on the door during report. Normally an 8 hour shift had about 15 minutes work. It is mind boggling to try to spend 30 minutes talking about 15 minutes of work. No useful information was ever shared in a staff report. The useful information was exchanged on the floor between staff.
- Staff would sometimes be relaxing in the nursing station, listening to stories and chatting, when a client would knock on the door. Instead of just giving meds to the client, they would say "We are in report. Come back in 25 minutes". That takes a special, rare kind of laziness.
- Staff meetings were like report, except everybody who was off shift would come in also. These lasted several hours, and involved massive overtime. These were basically politeness parties. Everyone would make polite comments about how wonderful everyone was. Any attempt to bring up problems was aggressively discouraged.. The actual conversations at these meetings would not be believed, unless they were recorded.
- Salvation Army training would drop jaws at most workplaces.