As a general rule, any male client that was attractive to female staff was not punished for any misconduct, including drug use and sexual activity. As a general rule, young females who were not "respectful" enough to certain staff members were banned or expelled, even though they broke no rules. May 2007 One residential client had sex with a number of staff members, over a three month period. Nobody "noticed", until a tape recording was made. A few weeks after the client finished treatment, he started using drugs again. When he called, Detox was full and turning away people. He was given priority, and admitted. Two Directors try to recall whether he got special computer privileges here (Audio). May 2007 Another client was calling several times a day, trying to get in to Detox. After several days she still had not been admitted. A supervisor finally said that the client was banned. The reason for the ban was the client's unpopularity with certain staff members. The supervisor said the person would be let in. In detox she offended the wrong staff member and was kicked out, even though she broke no rules. Days later she was dead of an overdose. obituary This young lady is mentioned only because so many people knew her and she was popular. Most of the people who died this way were nobody's friend. Many didn't even make the paper. When staff members were told that their "games" were killing people, they would get sarcastic. May 2007 Shortly after the above, a similar young lady was calling daily. Again, the supervisor was asked why she was not being admitted. Again, it was obvious that the ban was "personal". This time another agency forced Clitheroe to take the client. She is on the "pregnant" page. The Executive Director of Clitheroe says... ..." 81.7 percent of the 876 people were admitted to detox only one time last year." click here